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Aerial Curriculum and Teaching Resources
Aerial Parties
1. Pump up the music and get warmed up with some stretching.
2. Have students pull some taffy and find their proper shoulder placement with lifted hangs.
3. Introduce Basic first and then Russian Climbs- from "Lifted hang".
4.Introduce a Foot Lock Sequence and take some pictures!
5. Place students on the "Knot" to learn leveraging & counterbalance and have fun!
6. Introduce flying (wrist locks)
Make sure to have some wrist wraps available for them!
Warming Up & Injury Prevention

Pulling Taffy
Gentle stretch to begin and end training. From a hanging position rotate in a circular motion.

Lifted Hangs
Fundamentals Start with Proper Shoulder Placement

Basic/Classic American Climb
Teach this climb first as it preps descent for most other climbs as well as preps for foot locks.

Russian Climb
Practical and efficient climb. Sometimes referred to as French.
Single Foot Lock Skills

Single Foot Lock

Ships Prow/Back Stag

Back Stag


Knee Hang
Knot Skills

Pull Over

Gazelles & Stags

Pike to Climb Above

Knee Drop
Great Skill for working X chest pull over

Candy Cane
Mini drop.
Double Foot Lock Skills

Double Foot Locks
Locking both Feet Evenly

Sous Sou Balance
Balance Skill for Spacial & Body Awareness

4th Position Balance
Balance the frees the hands for cross back preps

Double Foot Lock Resting Pose

Eiffel Tower
Simple but Intricate Wrap
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