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Aerial Curriculum and Teaching Resources

Camps are a great way to generate more revenue and increase your student base by introducing aerial to your current client base, (who will tell friends) and for promoting locally at schools and churches. Try to get a listing in your local parents magazine, many of them have special camp issues! We strongly suggest purchasing an aerial rope, 2 hoops and/or one or two trapeze as well as rigging at least one hammock for camps. The more diversity you have in your camp apparatus the better. However, we can build your camp with solely fabric (rigged two tail and as a hammock) and/or hoop (which we can rig a hoop 3 different ways for content diversity). So as we always say, let the program build itself and purchase more apparatus as your revenue increases! One campers revenue could pay for a hoop.
It is important to remember that we are offering a guideline or a sample structure for camps that must be adjusted to your clientele. If your average student age in 11 then you may have a bit of a different structure that week than if you average student base is 15. If your students are all beginners then you may have to adjust the pace of the curriculum accordingly than if you have existing students enrolling. The same if you have some students that are naturally strong and quick and others that may need a bit more time. This is why we are offering an outline or suggested structure for camps but stressing that this is not a black and white curriculum.
We suggest running aerial camps with no more than 6 people up in the air at one time and definitely with an assistant or two to account for the diversity of student progression and ages within the camp. Definitely try to group ages together. If you have 3 nine year old kiddos and a 15 year old teen register for June 3rd, then call and see if you can transfer the teen to a later camp with more students in her demographic.
We provide our campers with:
1) A camp t-shirt
2) A camp bag
3) A 3 ring binder with: Articles, Green Level Progression Sheets & Blank Paper for Notes
We run our camps, at home base, from 9am -1pm, Monday -Thursday. Some weeks we may offer an open gym for an additional fee ($25), which allows the kiddos to stay until 3pm (school hours) which is helpful to parents. We charge $225 per student camp-$250 (with add on) and we offer a discount for students enrolling in multiple camps. However, with our camps we do bring in a different specialist in every discipline each day so our fees to produce our camps are pretty high. We also cap our camps at around 10-12 students. You may price what works best for your gym.
For our camps at home base, we offer a "Circus" curriculum. Not just fabric. We suggest you consider doing the same as it really makes the camp stand out as different and special from normal aerial fabric classes. We have all of the curriculum you need in our 7 programs to do this! We send out an email the night before highlighting what we will be learning and the general schedule of the day with any special notes on what to wear and reminders to bring water, lunch and snacks.
Here is an example of our program schedule:
Day 1-
9:00-9:15 - Welcome (T-shirts & Binders) & Warm up games (Duck Duck Animal or Relays)
9:15-10:00- Beginning Movement- warm-up & ballet (Port de bras & Foot & leg technique)
10:00-10:15- Snack/Water Break
10:15-11:00- Green Lesson 1 Fabric
11:00-11:30- Snack/Water Break-Performance Video with Joseph Pinzon's Red Silk & Handout on "History of Circus" & "Barnum"
11:30-12:15- Green Lesson 1/2 Fabric continued (Introduce Hammock or knot)
12:15-12:45- Lunch (You can play part 1 of a video during this time as well, ie: Dumbo or Greatest Showman, depending on age.
12:30-1:00- Playtime (Students can work through curriculum or explore)
*If students appear tired or frustrated, switch things up. Throw in a floor relay or game. It will be a long week if they are puttering out on the first day!
Day 2
9:00-9:15 - Warm up games (Duck Duck Animal or Relays)
9:15-10:00- Beginning Movement- warm-up & ballet (Port de bras & Foot & leg technique.) Introduce some acro (cartwheels, handstands, back walkovers) Use mats for parkour style course.
10:00-10:15- Snack/Water Break
10:15-11:00- Green Lesson 2/3 Fabric (Wherever your fabric flow is: continue through L1)
11:00-11:30- Snack/Water Break - Performance Video- Elena Gatilova Hoop & Hand out on Terminology
11:30-12:15- Introduction to Aerial Hoop- Green Level Skills
12:15-12:45- Lunch (You can play part 2 of a video during this time as well, ie: Dumbo or Greatest Showman, depending on age.
12:30-1:00- Playtime (Students can work through curriculum or explore Fabric/Sling & Hoop)
Day 3
9:00-9:15 - Warm up games (Duck Duck Animal or Relays)
9:15-10:00- Beginning Movement- warm-up & ballet (Port de bras & Foot & leg technic) acro (cartwheels, handstands, back walkovers) Use mats for parkour style course. 10:00-10:15- Snack/Water Break
10:15-11:00- Green Lesson 2/3/4 Fabric (Wherever your fabric flow is: continue through L1)
11:00-11:30- Snack/Water Break - Performance Video- Quidam Hoop Trio & Hand out on Rigging- Pack Your Own Parachute
11:30-12:15- Your choice based on inventory of apparatus: Introduction to Trapeze or Rope or Tippy Hoop or explore partnering on conventional Hoop as displayed in the break time video with Quidam- Green Level Skill curriculum (For Rope use Single Pole Fabric Skills)
12:15-12:45- Lunch (You can play part 3 of a video during this time as well, ie: Dumbo or Greatest Showman, depending on age.
12:30-1:00- Playtime (Students can work through curriculum or explore multiple apparatus stations)
Day 4
9:00-9:15 - Warm up games (Duck Duck Animal or Relays)
9:15-10:00- Beginning Movement- Choreograph a sequence using new ballet/acro movement skills learned on floor. Watch for Feet and shoulder placement. Perhaps assign an animal or an emotion to the sequence and have students perform it stylized and transitioning into their favorite apparatus. Perhaps have them work in pairs or trios. Maybe even introduce using props!
10:00-10:15- Snack/Water Break
10:15-11:00- Green Lesson 2/3/4/5 Fabric (Wherever your fabric flow is: continue through L1)
11:00-11:30- Snack/Water Break - Performance Video- __________& Hand out ___________ 11:30-12:15- Your choice based on inventory of apparatus: Introduction to Trapeze or Rope or Tippy Hoop, explore partnering. Encourage exploration!
12:15-12:45- Lunch (You can play part 4 of a video during this time as well, ie: Dumbo or Greatest Showman, depending on age.
12:30-1:00- Playtime (Students can work through curriculum or explore multiple apparatus stations) Give students time to choreograph a sequence and perform for each other if they feel comfortable. Play the game "Add On" or Explore Partnering work!
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